2022 was a Great Return of the Limaland Tour after a couple year pause. Thanks to all of our sponsors, volunteers and especially TOUR RIDERS! Watch for 2023 Tour Info and see typical Limaland Tour details below from 2022. See you in June 2023!
Follow our Facebook posts for latest info: (CLICK HERE)
Pre-Registration: Register online – CLICK HERE. Online registration closes complete June 14th. Or download a print form – CLICK HERE. Day of event registration will be available and opens at 6:45 AM. Print forms can be mailed to included form address for early registration opportunities. Pre-registration is encouraged so we can better prepare for all riders!
Pricing: Low early-registration pricing available online at Active.com. Or have registration form delivered/mailed by May 27th (see form for mailing address). All early individual registrations by May 30th will receive a free t-shirt! T-shirts are only available for early registered riders, although there may be limited supply available for purchase the day of the tour.
NEW for 2022: Youth riders 17 years old and younger may participate for FREE when accompanied by a registered adult rider! Youth tour shirt must be purchased separately if desired before May 30th.
Pre-Registered for t-shirt and reduced rate by May 27th by paper form or May 30th online (“early”):
- Individual 25 miles – $20 ; Individual 40 or 65 miles – $25 (1 free t-shirt included all Individual, early registrations)
After May 27th by paper form or May 30th and Day Of Event:
- Individual 25 miles – $25; Individual 40 or 65 – $30 (t-shirts not available to order or reserve)
Perks of our Tour: Air conditioned registration/finish UAW Hall with restrooms (cycling shoes with exposed cleats and bikes are not allowed inside building), Scenic country roads, sag/mechanic support, well marked roads with low traffic and flat-rolling terrain, most gravel corners swept, rest stop every 15-25 miles depending on route, pre-ride and rest stop refreshments, maps, free lunch for all tour participants.
Optional MASS GROUP Welcome and Start at 8:15 AM.
Included lunch for all tour riders!
Lunch: Available from 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
Giveaways: Free t-shirts available to all early Registrations. 2022 tour give-aways and prizes to be determined….watch club facebook page for updates!
Routes: 25 miles – Paved, low traffic rural roads with one rest stop and lunch. 40 miles with two rest stops and lunch; 65 miles with three rest stops and lunch. Please plan your start time and pace in accordance with rest stop and SAG availability times listed below. Actual mileage may vary and subject to change slightly for route safety, weather, construction, etc.
We will have GPS routes available and established Strava Segments along our routes! Watch FB page for updates.
Lodging: Hotels and restaurants available within 3 miles of tour start/finish. Please email us if you need recommendations. We recommend accommodations at the HWY309/Exit 125 off I75. There are excellent local restaurants and cuisine throughout Lima.
Event Check In Location and Start/Finish: 1750 Bible Rd, Lima, OH 45801. UAW Local 1219 Park. Indoor registration and restrooms available. Easy access from I75, US30 and HWY81. MAP CLICK HERE.
Tour Schedule and Rest Stop Availability:
- 6:45 AM – Registration Opens. Refreshments available. Pre-registered riders are required to check in. Your ride can start at your convenience, but we encourage a mass start at 8:15 AM.
- 7:00 AM – Routes open, but encouraged to consider MASS Start.
- 8:15 AM – WELCOME and MASS GROUP START (optional, but recommended). Gather at 8:00.
- 8:00 AM – Rest stop open. The rural routes will have rest stop/refreshments available every ~15 to 25 miles depending on the route from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Expect water, sport/energy drink, bars, fruit, etc.
- 9:30 AM – Suggested cut off for 65 route start.
- 10:30 AM – All riders should be on the routes. (i.e. registrations closes)
- 11:00 AM – Lunch is available at the start/finish until 2:30 PM. Giveaways and door prize winners will be posted!
- 2:00 PM – Route rest stop(s) are closed.
- 3:00 PM – Lunch and finish location is closed. Limited support/SAG after this time only for special situations deemed necessary by tour organizers.
Why the Limaland Tour with Team Roadrunners?: This is our annual tour hosted by us, Team Roadrunners Bicycle Club. We use this tour to meet up with other cyclists, promote our communities and provide a small fund raising effort for our club. The funds raised are used for club bicycle initiatives in our community such as organizing rides, promoting cycling participation and awareness, growing a safer riding community and being a resource and organization for all cyclists in our area. We are all volunteers, cyclists and love riding our bikes.
For 2022, a charitable donation will be made to local bike charity mission: The Wheelhouse. They refurbish and supply bicycles for youth and individuals in need of a bike and transportation. They also offer bike repair, helmets and assistance for those in need. Past tour proceed recipients have included the Veterans Food Pantry and Lafayette-Jackson Historic Society.
Fine Print: Sorry, no rain date or refunds. We will reserve the right to alter the event if lightning or other safety concerns develop. Youth riders 17 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Helmets are required! We do our best to provide a safe, fun and friendly ride.
Tour Contact: contact at teamroadrunners.org@gmail.com
See YOU on the 18th of June. Spread the word and bring some friends!
If you or your business has an interest to sponsor or participate with the Limaland Bicycle Tour, please contact us at teamroadrunners.org@gmail.com. We would love to work with you.
Thank You to all of our 2022 Tour Sponsors and Partners:
Superior Wholesale Distributors, Cenovus (formerly Husky),
Pete's Ice Cream, Back on Track, Citizen National Bank,
Dominion Energy, T&D Interiors![]()
Feltz Chiropractic
Laux Chiropractic, Wapak Athletic Club
Lima Chamber of Commerce, Viking, The Bike Lawyer![]()