TRR Group Rides – Virus Avoidance

Hello Cycling Friends.  It’s with much regret that we’ve decided to temporarily suspend our group rides for the situation with COVID-19 and quarantine issues.  We definitely do no want to, but feel it’s prudent.  Both USA Cycling and League of American Bicyclists have recommended the same this week for all cycling groups.  Although the actual severity and exact transfer modes are still not fully understood of the virus, groups of cyclists have been known to catch the virus around the world already.  Also, some countries such as Italy have temporarily suspended public cycling recently.  Although not entirely for quarantine issues, but because of the extremely limited hospital space if any cycling accident would happen.  So, here is the plan:

-TRR Group Rides are canceled until further notice, expecting 2-3 weeks.  Possibly more.

-We recommend not group riding outside of club rides other than immediate family and possibly one or two other regular adjoining riders.  “Social Distancing” is a proven deterrent to the spread of coronavirus.

-Keep regular precautions for extra traveling distance and be very careful about wind and the direction of all spit, sweat, breath, etc. if choosing to ride with others who are not your immediate family.

-We will stop all public riding if it would come down to it by government order.  As of now, there appears no scientific or logical reason all public riding should be stopped.  Also, if the local hospitals would happen to become full we would recommend to use caution for outdoor riding.

-Do not ride with anyone if you feel ill and if you become ill with symptoms of coronavirus (difficulty breathing, coughing, fever), please notify previous riding partners of the past two weeks.

-Limaland Tour is still scheduled and no plan to cancel at this time. We will review if necessary in the coming weeks/months.

USA Cycling Link

Bicycling Mag Ride Tips

February Recap

See the Winter Meal meeting minutes saved in our documents page.


Also, we’ve added our newly created TRR Ride Tips file that’s been in discussion for a couple of years.  The discussions have ranged from requests for regimented policies for almost anything you could think of to not having any rules.  Not surprising since we’re all pretty unique with various ideas and backgrounds.  In the end the club directors decided it was best to make a Tips sheet of key Ohio Cycling laws as well as some general club guidelines we hope will be followed.  In general, this will be a good refresher for seasoned members as well as first year riders to understand group riding dynamics.  The goal is to be safe, have fun, enjoy our riding and get along!

Ride Tips for handy viewing or printing:  TRR Ride Tips